Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to prevent dropdown menu from closing when moving between top level items?

We’re using a dropdown menu modified from snowdog and magento, and our top level items have 6 options. It’s a pretty standard menu; when hovering over the top level items it drops down and shows the subnav items. However, when moving in between the main items, the menu briefly closes before reopening with the options for the next item. My initial thought was to write some javascript to detect when the menu is already open, and if so, prevent the event from bubbling up the DOM, but I have a feeling the answer is probably more simple than this solution. Maybe using a transition delay to make the hovering more forgiving?

If I were to try adding a transition delay, would this be done in our navigation.less file? I inherited this code base and things are a little messy, so I’m not positive how to start going about this.