Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to Replace several words (with no blank space) in one string in Notepad++ [closed]

I need to replace several different specific words / values in one string, for example:

1) 2) 3) A. B. C. I. II. III. etc.

They can all be replaced with the same thing (nothing, i.e. no value entered into the replace box). But I need to do it without Notepad++ deleting any individual aspects of the “words.” For example:

It should delete 1) 2) A. B., Without deleting any individual value 1 2 (numbers on their own), ) (parenthesis on their own), A B (letters on their own) or . (periods on their own).

Someone wrote me this regex:


Which works great, except it leaves a blank space where it deleted the above values. How can it be altered to remove the values without replacing them with a blank space?



1.Some random text
2.Some random text
3.Some random text

It should do this:

Some random text
Some random text
Some random text

But instead it does this:

 Some random text
 Some random text
 Some random text