Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to resolve require is undefined issue (caught ReferenceError: require is not defined)

I am getting an issue on a single page (caught ReferenceError: require is not defined) on the below code. Please help me to resolve this issue. I am not sure where I am getting this issue I inspected some code then I found this one. due to this CSS not loading but it doesn’t shown me any css issue. Can anyone help me out on this.

    < ?php
$helper = $this->helper('WebkulB2BMarketplaceHelperData');
$baseUrl = $helper->getBaseUrl()."pub/media/b2b/";
$regions = $helper->getAllRegions();
$corporateAddress = $helper->getCorporateAddress();
$operatioanlAddress = $helper->getOperatioanlAddress();
$defultLogo = $helper->getDefaultLogo();
$sellerLogo = $helper->getSellerLogo();
$supplier = $block->getPersistentData();
if (empty($supplier)) {
$supplier = $helper->getCurrentSupplier();
< ?php echo $block->getBlockHtml('seller.formkey')?> < ?php echo $block->getBlockHtml('formkey') ?>
< ?php echo __("Reset Logo"); ?>
< ?php echo __("Remove Logo"); ?>
< ?php $bannerpic = $supplier['banner_pic']; if ($bannerpic && !$supplier['is_default_banner']) { ?> <?php echo $supplier['banner_pic'] ?/> < ?php echo __('Delete Banner')?> < ?php } else { ?> <?php echo __('no image') ?/> < ?php } ?>
< ?php echo __("Operational Address"); ?>
< ?php echo $helper->getCountryHtmlSelect($operatioanlAddress['country'], "operational_country", "supplier-operational-country"); ?>
< ?php if (array_key_exists($operatioanlAddress['country'], $regions)): ?> " id="supplier-operational-state" name="operational_state" value="< ?php echo $operatioanlAddress['region'] ?>"> < ?php else: ?> " id="supplier-operational-state" name="operational_state" value="< ?php echo $operatioanlAddress['region'] ?>"> < ?php endif; ?>
" id="supplier-operational-city" name="operational_city" value="< ?php echo $operatioanlAddress['city'] ?>">
" id="supplier-operational-address" name="operational_address" value="< ?php echo $operatioanlAddress['street'] ?>">
" id="supplier-operational-postcode" name="operational_postcode" value="< ?php echo $operatioanlAddress['postcode'] ?>">
" id="supplier-operational-phone" name="operational_phone" value="< ?php echo $operatioanlAddress['telephone'] ?>">
< ?php echo __("Corporate Address"); ?>
< ?php echo $helper->getCountryHtmlSelect($corporateAddress['country'], "corporate_country", "supplier-corporate-country"); ?>
< ?php if (array_key_exists($corporateAddress['country'], $regions)): ?> " id="supplier-corporate-state" name="corporate_state" value="< ?php echo $corporateAddress['region'] ?>"> < ?php else: ?> " id="supplier-corporate-state" name="corporate_state" value="< ?php echo $corporateAddress['region'] ?>"> < ?php endif; ?>
" id="supplier-corporate-city" name="corporate_city" value="< ?php echo $corporateAddress['city'] ?>">
" id="supplier-corporate-address" name="corporate_address" value="< ?php echo $corporateAddress['street'] ?>">
" id="supplier-corporate-postcode" name="corporate_postcode" value="< ?php echo $corporateAddress['postcode'] ?>">
" id="supplier-corporate-phone" name="corporate_phone" value="< ?php echo $corporateAddress['telephone'] ?>">

enter image description here