Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to use installed fonts?

I use fedora with i3-gaps and I want to use different font than monospace.

I donwloaded this realease of iosevka font iosevka-term-ss01-3.0.0-rc.4
Then I coppied all .tff files to folders: ~/.local/share/fonts and to the /usr/share/fonts/iosevka.
And at the end run command $ sudo fc-cache -fv to reload fonts.

Now the thing is how to put these fonts to use. I configure my ST terminal via .Xdefaults:

!! Set a default font and font size as below:
st.font: Monospace-10;

! st.termname: st-256color
! st.borderpx: 2

What should I write instead of Monospace-10?
I tried name of .tff file – text changed but to terrible form.
Maybe adding “config file” to /etc/fonts/conf.d?

Second question: How to add this font to the whole system?
Could it break possibly something (i3blocks)?

Thanks in advance for your answers

P.S. Bonus question: Has anyone clue how iosevka releases works? Which release/file should I use?