Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to use the fingerprinting feature to optimize your privacy with firefox

Superusers, I know by now how the new firefox fingerprinter works and what it does thanks to another question. But this question now is: to understand this setting’s impact on the actual user-tracking efforts.

Is it better to activate this new fingerprinter setting, or not – when you like to be “less” easier trackable/traceable during web surfing (across many days)?

Because I have read differing things. There are those who say if you block fingerprinting in firefox you will look more “unique” and thus better tracable, and those who say, If you allow fingerprinting, your canvas hash (fingerprint) may be “less unique” and thus not easy to track in the masses of users…

Can you explain what makes technically more sense for reducing tracability efforts?

(By tracability, I mean for example: knowing that a user that visited the website today youtube.com, is the same user that visited after 7 days the website twitter.com)