I am getting a run-time error 1004 when trying to split a spreadsheet into multiple files based on a column

I am using the macro from this answer, which allows you to split up a file based on the values of a specified column. I adjusted it to add

Dim sMonthYear As String ' Month & Year of report

sMonthYear = Application.InputBox("Enter the Month and Year of the report", "Enter text", , , , , , 2)

where the user enters a string, and I changed the SaveAs so it looks like

ash.SaveAs sFilePath + "Split" + sSectionName + "" + sMonthYear + "" + osh.Name, fileFormat

in order to create a file path that looks like: SplitGroup 1October 2019Report.xlsx. I also added sMonthYear to the commands on line 69, 87, and 114 to ensure the variable was passed to the new worksheet and saved.

However, when I run it, it gives me this error:

Run-time error ‘1004’:

Microsoft Excel cannot access the file …SplitGroup 1October 2019CBAE2000′. There are several possible reasons:

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. When I remove the sMonthYear bit and the backslashes in the quotes, it works fine. When I click ‘debug’, it takes me to the ash.SaveAs line.