I would really appreiciate your help–how to set up fastest web service from Italy, with a VPN that either is fixed in Ontario Canada, or appear to be [closed]

I am working out of Italy and Canada. I would like a VPN that has a fixed Canadian iP address–if that is possible, fastest speed possible. I have a Asus router in Toronto with direct fiber [800 Mbps up and down] that I could use a my personal server, or I could pay server provider. I am not very tech savvy and could really use assistance. I have purchased GoodAccess VPN with a fixed ip in Toronto, but this is resulting in dramatic slowing of speeds when I am in Italy. Part of the problem is of course my local bandwidth in Italy and I am also working on that. I have been told that Wireguard is superior to the OpenVPN protocol that is currently being used on my PC. I believe I am also using TunnelBlick to access from my Mac. Can you assist? Thanks