Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

In place off network upgrade to server 2019

Ok, I made a backup image of an AD and have it hosted in Hyper-V machine with no network on a separate pc. Unfortunately, it will not boot normally so the only way I am able to boot it and login is by booting through directory service repair mode. From there I have the server 2019 iso mounted as a disk. I can not run it to do an in place upgrade because I get the message saying I can’t install windows while running in safe mode.
I have tried the following cmd commands to start the installer service and have had no success.

REG ADD "HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSafeBootMinimalMSIServer" /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D "Service"

net start msiserver

Not sure where to go from here.