Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

In Windows 11 my user is admin but SO doesn’t allow me to open device manager

After one wrong click I got the upgrade to Windows 11 and now my bluetooth drivers does not work anymore. I’m trying to reinstall them, but although my user is Adminstrator I get the following message when I try to open Device Manager:

Operation canceled due to existing restrictions on the computer. Contact the System Administrator

This is my translation of the original message in Brazilian Portuguese:

Operação cancelada devido a restrições existentes no computador. Contate o administrador do sistema.

If I open a console and run

netwmic useraccount get name,sid

It says that my user is in the Administrator(es) group:

Associações de Grupo Local          *Administradores
                                    *Administradores do Hy
                                    *Usuários de log de de

What shoud I do to give maximum permissions to my user?

I’m using Windows 11 Home edition.