Inaccurate timezone in firefox

the timezone of my location is expressed in my system with
export TZ=America/Mexico_City (My system is Fedora 37).

The command date +"%z %Z" show me -0600 CST. That is good because I recently updated the package ‘tzdata’ with yum update tzdata.

But the problem is Firefox (firefox-106.0.1-1.fc37.x86_64), when I execute -(new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60) (from firefox debuger) it gives me -5 and it should be -6.

And now my messaging web applications show me inaccurate time which messages are arrive or send with 1 hour of difference. For example: Jose sent you a message at 2pm, but it should show Jose sent you a message at 1pm.

I reviewed privacy.resistFingerprinting from about:config but it shows false. I used some plugins for firefox to changing timezone, but that makes messaging applications don’t working well (Teams and Telegram).

I tried to reinstall firefox with yum reinstall firefox but don’t worked. I need to use firefox and don’t other browser.

Is there some configuration for firefox to update its timezone database like tzdata??
Or, Is there some configuration to synchronize the timezone of system with the timezone of firefox correctly??

I will thanks you in advance if some of you beautiful people can help me.