Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Invalid template file Magento_Review::anchor.phtml

I have a live Magento 2 website working fine

I needed to make a test version of my server that running Magento

I did copy the same files and database and everything working fine except product page I get this error :

Invalid template file: ‘Magento_Review::product/view/anchor.phtml’ in module: ” block’s name: ‘product.review.anchor’

although it is the same code on the test Magento server and production Magento server but this error only on the test Magento

error from file from in theme in


this is the code of this file that occur the error

<block class="MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate" name="product.review.anchor" template="Magento_Review::anchor.phtml" before="product.info.details" />

exactly from this part
