Inventory management not automatically changing to ‘out of stock’ (is there Patches List for Magento 2)

I have faced issue after issue with the Magento 2 software that entails me having to do patch after patch.

My most recent issue is with the inventory feature. I have turned on inventory management, run cron, and memory/storage looks good. But here is the issue.

Assume I have twenty (20) pieces of one item, say hats. Several people keep buying until that number gets to zero (I have set ‘out of stock’ to zero). The system is meant to automatically put this item to ‘out of stock’ thereby making it impossible to appear as available to add to cart. Now this does not happen. And this is just one scenario.

Assume now, there are two (2) items. Hats and shoes. There are twenty (20) pieces of hats and twenty (20) pieces of shoes. Assume that the hats have been sold out and the shoes are available. The system does not disable the add to cart button for the item that is not available, and the user is unaware. Now the user goes ahead and adds a shoe and a hat to the cart. At the point of checkout, the system throws an error simply because there is an item in the backend that is not available in stock but is in the cart of the user. In the first place the user should not have been able to add the item to cart because from inventory it is not available!

The ideal expected behaviour is that if the inventory is managed by Magento, once an item is at zero level in the backend, on the frontend/store the ‘add to cart’ button is replaced with the ‘out of stock’ notice and the user cannot click on it talk less of adding to cart.

Now I ask, to make it easier for existing and new Magento 2 users, is there a list of all patches (patches list) for the Magento 2 system? I saw this video material where the speaker directed that few patches need to happen in order for the Magento 2 software to work optimally while using it on your server. Personally, I had an issue and posted a question. Is it possible to have a list of ALL the patches that need to happen before a store can go live? I mean like a checklist of patches that need to happen immediately after installation of the Magento 2 software. What code needs to be edited and in what files?