Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

ip6tables – create a set of IPv6 address to block

I’m using ipset for containing and matching a sets of IPv4 and it works great!
I tried to do the same with IPv6 addresses and ran with errors.

I have a IPv6.cidr file that contains IPv6 addresses and a subnet mask:


I want to block any IPv6 that matches this list.

When I run this script:

sudo ipset -N v6 hash:ip family inet6 -exist
sudo ipset -F v6
for net in `cat IPv6.cidr`
    sudo ipset -A v6 $net

ipset returns an error:

ipset v7.5: Syntax error: plain IP address must be supplied: 2A03:C2C0::/32

It appears that ipset doesn’t work for IPv6 subnet masks.

Is there any other set module that support IPv6?