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Linux with desktop enviroment using XRDP on Archlinux on WSL does not working

A newbie here.

Well I spent a couple days trying to make work xrdp for Archlinux on WSL. Actually WSL does not support Arch but can be installed using docker.

I have ubuntu on wsl too and I use xrdp there to use xfce and gnome as Desktop enviroment and everything works so well.

The first thing that I noticed on Arch: there is not /etc/init.d directory and I think is needed for xrdp, on many tutorials the command to enable and start services are on that folder. (https://www.nextofwindows.com/how-to-enable-wsl2-ubuntu-gui-and-use-rdp-to-remote , https://dev.to/darksmile92/linux-on-windows-wsl-with-desktop-environment-via-rdp-522g)

Xrdp package is downloaded and installed from AUR repositories, so maybe there is a way to make it work, don’t know how.

Where the files (that should be on /etc/init.d for another distros) are?

How can I make it work?

I clearly think that I am missing a lot of info, so hope a lot you can help me while I’m learning.