Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Looking for task management tool for internal control execution [closed]

I’m looking for a task management tool like Trello, JIRA, Asana, Wrike, or any other commonly available task management tool. It should be used not only for trivial tasks and project management, but as a tool for internal controls and security procedures. This is why there are special requirements:

Auditors require that the tool keeps a full history of everything that happened and stored in a tamper proof way. It’s required that even an admin CANNOT alter the tasks and their history, so that there is no way someone could modify the history of what happened.

Examples of processes that must keep an auditable history:

  • access to an internal tool granted to an employee
  • permission to complete some work is given to an employee
  • a weekly routine check is completed and the result is recorded by the responsible person

What tools do other companies use for this? So far I haven’t found a single one that advertises this feature. Even eMails, which are widely used because they can’t be un-sent, can be deleted by employees and especially admins.

As I heard, every publicly traded company in the US must pass audits which have the same requirements. So there must be well established tools for this kind of thing. What am I missing?