Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Low Redis Hit Rate? (20%)

I just checked hit rate of Redis via (https://gist.github.com/kabel/10023961).

The hit rate is around %20.x – is this normal?

enter image description here

The machine has a ton of RAM and CPU available. Redis is locally installed. Redis is serving sessions and the Full-Page Cache.


'session' => [
    'save' => 'redis',
    'redis' => [
        'host' => 'localhost',
        'port' => '6379',
        'password' => '',
        'timeout' => '2.5',
        'persistent_identifier' => '',
        'database' => '2',
        'compression_threshold' => '2048',
        'compression_library' => 'gzip',
        'log_level' => '3',
        'max_concurrency' => '10',
        'break_after_frontend' => '5',
        'break_after_adminhtml' => '30',
        'first_lifetime' => '600',
        'bot_first_lifetime' => '60',
        'bot_lifetime' => '7200',
        'disable_locking' => '1',
        'min_lifetime' => '60',
        'max_lifetime' => '2592000'
'cache' => [
    'frontend' => [
        'default' => [
            'backend' => '\Magento\Framework\Cache\Backend\Redis',
            'backend_options' => [
                'server' => 'localhost',
                'database' => '0',
                'port' => '6379',
                'compress_data' => '1',
                'compression_lib' => 'gzip',
                'preload_keys' => [
            'id_prefix' => '16a_'
        'page_cache' => [
            'backend' => '\Magento\Framework\Cache\Backend\Redis',
            'backend_options' => [
                'server' => '',
                'port' => '6379',
                'database' => '1',
                'compress_data' => '1',
                'compression_lib' => 'gzip'
            'id_prefix' => '16a_'

What gives why would hit rate be so low? Is this normal for Magento 2?


I think I know why the miss rate is so high. The sessions are being saved for too long (‘max_lifetime’ => ‘2592000’ – had to set this because of Magento 2.4.3 bug) and it causes misses because the user doesn’t revisit.