Customers can checkout as guests. But when on checkout page, if the customer logs into their account they are redirected to their account page and see the following error.
The “rp_token” attribute value is empty. Set the attribute and try again.
Customers can checkout as guests. But when on checkout page, if the customer logs into their account they are redirected to their account page and see the following error.
The “rp_token” attribute value is empty. Set the attribute and try again.
By Simon Pascal Klein 22nd Jun 2011 HTML CSS, Podcast, Usability Inspiration 1 Hello again and welcome to episode eight of the […]
My customer account register form is appearing this error when I try register a new account: Notice: Undefined variable: data in /home/clientes/grupofiscall/public_html/ […]
We had to upgrade to Magento 2.2.9 recently. It is a multi-language store, with DE and EN content. (store-view) Product descriptions in […]
A bike race is being organised with N bikers. The initial speed and the acceleration of the bikers are given in arrays […]