I upgraded to magento 2.3.3 but didn’t noticed that they changed email
classes and zend framework.
I am having a custom module for editing emails in magento admin.
But I am having error:
FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught
Error: Class ‘Zend_Reflection_Class’ not found in myfile.phpMy code is:
* @var VariableResolverInterface
private $variableResolver;
public function __construct(
VariableResolverInterface $variableResolver
) {
$this->variableResolver = $variableResolver;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getVariables()
$variables = $this->variableResolver->getOrigVariables();
$result = [
'label' => __('General Variables'),
'value' => [
'label' => __('Customer Name'),
'value' => __('{{ customer_name }}')
'label' => __('Customer Email'),
'value' => __('{{ customer_email }}')
'label' => __('Customer First Name'),
'value' => __('{{ customer_name | split: " " | first }}')
foreach ($variables as $variable) {
$variableReflection = new Zend_Reflection_Class($variable);
/** @var Zend_Reflection_Method[] $reflectionMethods */
$reflectionMethods = $variableReflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
if ($methods = $this->collectMethods($variable, $reflectionMethods)) {
$result[] = [
'label' => __('%1 Variables', ucfirst($variable->getVariableName())),
'value' => $methods
return $result;
* Collect all available methods for user.
* @param VariableInterface $variable
* @param Zend_Reflection_Method[] $reflectionMethods
* @return array
* @throws Zend_Reflection_Exception
private function collectMethods(VariableInterface $variable, array $reflectionMethods = [])
$methods = [];
foreach ($reflectionMethods as $method) {
if ($this->canUseMethod($method, $variable)) {
$docblock = $method->getDocblock();
$methodName = $this->convertToLiquid($method->getName());
// add methods available in the model object
if ($this->isObjectReturned($docblock) && $variable->getNamespace() == $methodName) {
$returnType = $docblock->getTag('return')->getType();
$variableReflection = new Zend_Reflection_Class($returnType);
$reflectionMethods = $variableReflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
$methods = array_merge(
$this->collectMethods($variable, $reflectionMethods)
if ($definition = $this->getMethodDefinition($variable, $method)) {
array_unshift($methods, $definition);
return $methods;
* Determine whether the method can be used or not.
* @param Zend_Reflection_Method $method
* @param VariableInterface $variable
* @return bool
* @throws Zend_Reflection_Exception
private function canUseMethod(Zend_Reflection_Method $method, VariableInterface $variable)
$canUse = false;
if (strpos($method->getName(), 'get') === 0 // only getters
&& strpos($method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), 'AbstractVariable') === false // ignore AbstractClass
&& strpos($method->getDocComment(), '@Suppress') === false // tags without space throw an error
&& $method->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() === 0 // only methods without parameters
&& stripos($method->getDocComment(), '@inheritdoc') === false // ignore methods with "inheritdoc"
&& $method->getDocComment() // skip methods without docblock
) {
$canUse = true;
return $canUse;
* Convert method name to liquid compatible syntax.
* e.g., "getCouponCode" => coupon_code
* @param string $methodName
* @return string
private function convertToLiquid($methodName)
$methodWords = preg_split('/(?=[A-Z])/', $methodName); // split name by uppercase letters
$methodWords = array_filter($methodWords, function($name) { // remove keyword "get" from words
return $name !== 'get';
// join remained words with underscore
return implode('_', array_map('strtolower', $methodWords));
* Whether the method return type is object or not.
* @param Zend_Reflection_Docblock $docblock
* @return bool
private function isObjectReturned(Zend_Reflection_Docblock $docblock)
if ($docblock->hasTag('return')) {
return strpos($docblock->getTag('return')->getType(), '\') !== false;
return false;
* Get liquid variable definition.
* @param VariableInterface $variable
* @param Zend_Reflection_Method $method
* @return array
* @throws Zend_Reflection_Exception
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
private function getMethodDefinition(VariableInterface $variable, Zend_Reflection_Method $method)
$definition = [];
$docblock = $method->getDocblock();
$methodName = $this->convertToLiquid($method->getName());
$namespace = $docblock->getTag(VariableInterface::DOCBLOCK_TAG_NAMESPACE)
? $docblock->getTag(VariableInterface::DOCBLOCK_TAG_NAMESPACE)->getDescription()
: $variable->getNamespace();
if ((method_exists($variable, $method->getName())
&& $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() === get_class($variable)
) || in_array($method->getName(), $variable->getWhitelist())
) {
$value = '';
if ($docblock->getTag('return')->getType() == 'array'
|| strpos($docblock->getTag('return')->getType(), '[]') !== false
) {
$value .= "{% for item in {$namespace}.{$methodName} %}";
$value .= "\n\n";
$value .= "{% endfor %}";
} else {
$filter = $docblock->getTag(VariableInterface::DOCBLOCK_TAG_FILTER)
? $docblock->getTag(VariableInterface::DOCBLOCK_TAG_FILTER)->getDescription()
: null;
$value = "{{ {$namespace}.{$methodName} ";
if ($filter !== null) {
$value .= $filter; // add filter to variable
$value .= "}}"; // close variable
$definition = [
'value' => $value,
'label' => $docblock->hasTag(VariableInterface::DOCBLOCK_TAG_DESCRIPTION)
? $docblock->getTag(VariableInterface::DOCBLOCK_TAG_DESCRIPTION)->getDescription()
: explode("n", $docblock->getShortDescription())[0]
return $definition;
This is happening also with another class:
Anyone can help how can I declare these classes now please?