I’m trying to override a function in the Helper of the Swatches module of Magento 2. The function resides in the Data.php file. As some of you may know in specific versions of Magento 2 the text swatch values fall back to the default Admin value due to a bug.
A fix was issued here: https://github.com/magento/magento2/pull/15960
I am trying to implement this fix by overriding the function in Data.php using preference.
Since the Porto theme that I’m using is already overriding some other functions I decided to add my override there.
< ?xml version="1.0"?>
- MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplateContext
- MagentoFrameworkRegistry
- MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplateContext
- MagentoCatalogHelperCategory
- MagentoCatalogModelIndexerCategoryFlatState
- MagentoThemeBlockHtmlTopmenu
As you can see I added the preference on the last line.
namespace SmartwavePortoHelperSwatches;
class Data extends MagentoSwatchesHelperData
* @param array $fallbackValues
* @param array $swatches
* @return array
public function addFallbackOptions(array $fallbackValues, array $swatches)
$currentStoreId = $this->storeManager->getStore()->getId();
foreach ($fallbackValues as $optionId => $optionsArray) {
if (isset($optionsArray[$currentStoreId]['type'], $swatches[$optionId]['type'])
&& $swatches[$optionId]['type'] === $optionsArray[$currentStoreId]['type']
) {
$swatches[$optionId] = $optionsArray[$currentStoreId];
} elseif (isset($optionsArray[$currentStoreId])) {
$swatches[$optionId] = $optionsArray[$currentStoreId];
} elseif (isset($optionsArray[self::DEFAULT_STORE_ID])) {
$swatches[$optionId] = $optionsArray[self::DEFAULT_STORE_ID];
return $swatches;
However this doesn’t seem to work. Is there anyone that can tell me why this is the case.