Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magento 2.4.1 – Static content deployment needed in developer mode

I am in the middle of a situation regarding the static content deployment and I find it strange.

I built Magento 2 themes based on Luma/Blank or even not based on those. When I was working under the developer mode, I didn’t need to deploy static files after each CSS/JS/PHTML change. This is how the developer mode is supposed to work as far as I know.

However, I also worked with other themes developed by third-party providers, well-known in this industry, but I needed to deploy static files even if I was using the developer mode.

To fix this, I tried to apply different solutions such as:

  • remove pub/static/*, excepting the .htaccess file;
  • remove var/view_preprocessed/*;
  • remove deployed_version.txt.

Is this a theme-related error or am I missing something?