Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magento 2.4 in Docker on Mac M1 can not create Customer or login , get Invalid request received

I have magento 2.4 up and running in Docker on a macbook pro M1.

The site comes up, but if i try to login as a customer or create a customer i get the error

main.DEBUG: Request validation failed for action “MagentoCustomerControllerAccountLoginPostInterceptor” {“exception”:”[object] (MagentoFrameworkAppRequestInvalidRequestException(code: 0): Invalid request received at /var/www/localhost/htdocs/vendor/magento/module-customer/Controller/Account/LoginPost.php:158


main.DEBUG: Request validation failed for action “MagentoCustomerControllerAccountCreatePostInterceptor” {“exception”:”[object] (MagentoFrameworkAppRequestInvalidRequestException(code: 0): Invalid request received at /var/www/localhost/htdocs/vendor/magento/module-customer/Controller/Account/CreatePost.php:327)”} []

There a number of different suggestions in other threads and i feel i have tried most.

I have changed the permissions of var , pub and generated to 777

I have changed the php max_input_vars to 1000

One thread suggested localhost does not work, so i tried changing from localhost to

Nothing changes the error.

It seems to be related to Csrf?? —> LoginPost.php:158 is createCsrfValidationException

Would love any ideas