Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magento 2. Change image position in list plugin

I use Magic_360 in my magento 2. It is ok, but it show it’s 360 picture first in fotorama.

I am trying to write plugin wich move this picture to the second position.


 < ?php


< ?xml version="1.0"?>



< ?xml version="1.0"?>



< ?php

namespace NickNickMagic360PositionPluginBlockCatalogProductViewGallery;

class Plugin
    public function aroundGetGalleryImagesJson(MagentoCatalogBlockProductViewGallery $subject, Closure $proceed)
        if (get_parent_class($subject) != 'MagentoCatalogBlockProductViewGallery') {
            return $proceed();

        $result = $proceed();
        //my changes here, i did not write yet
        return $result;                      

After files was placed, I have run setup:update and setup:di:compile. But seems Magento doesn’t reach this code, and even not placed it to generated directory.