Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magento 2 how to add loading lazy to image product?

I’m trying to add the tag , loading=”lazy” to the template that I’ve found that prints the image, but it´s not working.


<span class="product-image-container" data-bind="style: {width: width + 'px'}">
    <span class="product-image-wrapper"  data-bind="style: {'padding-bottom': height/width*100 + '%'}">
        <img class="product-image-photo" data-bind="attr: {src: src, alt: alt, 'loading': 'lazy'}" />

It’s not changing anything.
Now I’ve found that list.phtml template prints the image like this

 $productImage = $block->getImage($_product, $image);
<?php echo $productImage->toHtml() ?>

But this is a block as far as I know, I just don’t know where to find that .phtml block, or is it the one that I’m modifying?
