Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magento 2 – new store view – category url’s not working

I created a new store view with code app.

I made a new subdomain for it called app.example.com, if this Url ist getting loaded, then the MAGE_RUN_CODE changes to app, otherwise it is default.

SetEnv MAGE_RUN_TYPE store
SetEnvIf Host ^example.com MAGE_RUN_CODE=default
SetEnvIf Host ^www.example.com MAGE_RUN_CODE=default

SetEnvIf Host ^app.example.com MAGE_RUN_CODE=app
SetEnvIf Host ^www.app.example.com MAGE_RUN_CODE=app

It works fine, but if I access categories then I get redirected to the search site as a fallback because the site cant be found.

I figured out that the URL rewrites for the storeview are missing.

For example we have this site:


But if I try to load it with the new store view


then it can’t get found.

I can only access it like this:


We solved it with URL rewrites to make it accessible with /products/banana instead of that long catalog/category/view/s/banana/id/10/ path. However, these URL rewrites are only valid for the default store view, I can’t change it to “all store views*


Do we have to create each URL Rewrite by hand again or is there a fast way to just clone the old ones and reuse them for the new app store view?