Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magento_B2b class still called after disabling module?

Magento 2.2.5

I disabled the Magento_B2b module by setting it to 0 in config.php. Now in this module is the vendormagentomodule-b2bModelProductMetadata.php class which has a const EDITION_NAME defined:

namespace MagentoB2bModel;

use MagentoFrameworkAppProductMetadata as FrameworkProductMetadata;

class ProductMetadata extends FrameworkProductMetadata
    const EDITION_NAME  = 'B2B';

     * Get Magento edition
     * @return string
    public function getEdition()
        return self::EDITION_NAME;

Now, when calling https://example.com/magento_version, it outputs Magento/2.2 (B2B) in my case. The B2B is coming from the B2b module even though it has been disabled. When I comment the const out (//const EDITION_NAME = 'B2B';), it displays Magento/2.2 (Community) which is coming from vendormagentoframeworkAppProductMetadata.php.

So the question is, how could it still use the const of a disabled module? I checked with php bin/magento module:status and the B2b module is in the list of disabled modules, I also cleared the cache.

What could be the reason?