Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

MobaTextEditor history/backup

I’m posting here out of pure desperation. Not much people use MobaXterm so I’d be surprised if anyone knew the answer.

Basically I was coding, then this weird error comes up:

“”Access Violation at Address xxxxxxx ….”

I ignore it as I think it’s just to do with me pasting some special characters in.

Then it keeps appearing. It stops me from typing. I save my code and I open it again, only to find a blank document. Bear in mind this code is 5000 lines long.

This code is still running on my linux VM, but I can’t access the code as it’s blank. I have not found the history/backup of MobaTextEditor so I’m asking here if anyone knows what I should do/ if there’s a history for MobaTextEditor

Thank you so much, and fml. :’)