Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

modprobe can’t find brcmsmac after dpkg -i firmware-brcm80211_20190114-2_all.deb

I have an ASUS C201 laptop that I have librebooted and installed devsus on an external USB. I want to enable the propriety wifi card. It is a BRCM 43XX card and so I downloaded the firmware-brcm80211_20190114-2_all.deb deb file from the non-free buster backports repos and put it on a USB to be installed on the laptop. I ran dpkg -i firmware-brcm80211_20190114-2_all.deb which said that it was installed correctly. However, after reboot ip a doesn’t show any wireless cards, modprobe says that brcmsmac can’t be found, and I can’t find any new .ko files in the default modprobe directories.

  1. Where could the module files be?

  2. Once I have them, will they be plug and play, or do I have the wrong idea about the devsus kernel’s ability to load them?