module custom payment doesnt show at checkout

i have magen2 2.4.3 with theme wolf and many stores and countries, well i tried to up a new module payment method (pagoEfectivo), i took the folder, put at app/code, i executed bin/magento set:up, bin/magento s:s:d bin/magento c:c bin/magento c:f, and when i stayed at checkout step, the payment method doest show (yes, i set values of module at admin), but anothers paymenthmedthods are displayed without troubles. but if i tried to get up this module payment at new magento (i tried at magento 2.4.5 p1 and magento 2.4.3), the rest of payments method are showing without problems. logs are empty, console doesnt load error by this method payment.

i debugged and found that the module is available but cant be use.

i[m newbee with magento :/
**sorry for my english