Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

mount cifs samba blocks/freezes after every file

Ubuntu 18.

I’m not sure why it’s happening. If I “mount” via nautilus there is no such behavior (though overall it is slower than cifs by something like a factor of 2)

You can tell that it’s blocking because the initial file transfer speed far exceeds the network capabilities (towards the end of the alleged copy the speed slows down considerably though sometimes still exceeds network capability), then it catches up after the file is supposedly already 100% copied. During the blocking freezes the system is responsive but the program doing the copying (mc and double commander) is not and aborting is a major hassle.

How do I prevent cifs from blocking and have it copy at a proper network-capable speed?

The command used is:

sudo mount -t cifs -o vers=3.0,uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g) //192.168.x.x/shared /mnt/shared

The same problem persists if you use vers=1.0 (no need for uid and gid) and if you remove the permission stuff and simply sudo mc. The problem is also there when connecting to a NAS requiring authentication.

cifs-utils was installed.