Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Multiple Web Server on Single Public IP

I got an unused server from my office. Set up my server with windows server 2019 with IIS 10 and running Ubuntu 20.04 on VMWare Player 16 and set the network mode to Bridge network.

Say, my windows server IP address running IIS is running WordPress, and my VMWare IP address is running OwnCloud.

My server running IIS (wordpress) was already routed to a domain (ex. example.com) via no-ip DDNS since home ISP use dynamic IP and I can open it on the internet outside the local network.

My question is, How can I route my VMWare IP address (OwnCloud) to a domain (ex. vm.example.com) or (ex. example.com/vm)

I got it running when I go to the local IP ( with my local device. But how can I route that private IP to the public IP so I can open it on the internet?
