Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

multiple wired wap from different vendor

My configuration:

     4G+ modem TP-Link Archer MR600 (router + AP)
    LAN 1 STA(s)                   NETGEAR JWNR2015v5 (AP only) 
                                      LAN 2 STA(s)

I want:

  • the NETGEAR to be a wireless AP only
  • LAN 2 and LAN 1 to be ONLY ONE LAN (TP-Link is the DHCP server and gateway)
  • connect the TP-Link and the NETGEAR via ethernet (no wifi bridge)

I think I need this connection:

TP-LINK (LAN port) <>--------<> (LAN port) NETGEAR

Is this correct? I do not connect the WAN port of the NETGEAR (I am referring to the labels on the physical plugs on the devices)

Any hint regarding the best settings on the two devices (both for wired and wireless interfaces…).

I want the two APs to broadcast the same SSID and PSWD so that the STA(s) can seamlessly roam from one AP to another