Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Need to run determine whether I can reach FTP server, through firewall?

I have an ftp server on a cloud VPS instance. The IP can be obtained from a domain like myvps.example.com.

I would need to run a powershell script across a variety of computers that are sitting behind a firewall. The purpose of this powershell script would be to return whether that server can be reached on port 21 or not. A yes/no or true/false response would be ideal so that I can easily look through the logs returned by these systems and see which systems failed.

I was looking into the ftp command in Windows but it opens a connection and is not what I was looking for in terms of receiving a quick and easy true/false response.

This is so that I can see which systems don’t have access and would need to modify the firewall.

Any suggestions on how I can go about this?

I was thinking of this command:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName myvps.example.com -Port 21 |findstr "TcpTestSucceeded"

However, I previously used Test-NetConnection on some systems for port 443, and it returned True. However, when I tried to use that system for port 443 things, it didn’t work. This is from something previous and unrelated. Just my experience with Test-NetConnection