When i click on Newsletter subscription button it redirect me to page 404 not found .In serch bar url changed to method=/index/index/post"data-mage-init/{'validation/?email=abc%40gmail.com
.Any luck?`
When i click on Newsletter subscription button it redirect me to page 404 not found .In serch bar url changed to method=/index/index/post"data-mage-init/{'validation/?email=abc%40gmail.com
.Any luck?`
I want to rename text “Sign in” to “Login” in my header top. Please refer attached file.
I’m trying to make a script that opens up 4 tmux panes, and launch a python program inside of it. I want […]
Hi dears I have going crazy to add a custom validation to vat field. I tried several ways, but I don’t get […]
Am I doing it wrong? ffmpeg -framerate 10 -i Reiher_%04d.jpg -vf “scale=720:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0 ]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse” Reiher.gif gives [image2 @ 0x7ffff37fdd00] Could find no file […]