Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

No mouse/keyboard input on Linux

I was trying to install current drivers for my NVIDIA so software can use the power of GPU.

sudo apt install nvidia-driver nvidia-cuda-toolkit

I’ve ended up with 520.* drivers and CUDA 11.8 so I was happy as I couldn’t finish the installation for them yesterday (can install only 470.* and got some error messages: one time from hashing software and other time from nvidia-smi about mismatching driver version). I’ve got also issues with double monitor setup (I couldn’t end up with configuration that second monitor is recognized and CUDA capabilities available).

So now I have 520.* drivers with CUDA 11.8. I’m booting to Linux (Kali, Debian), unlocking the drive (I can use backspace to delete passphrase characters) and when GUI kicks in with login prompt – no input is accepted. Typing on keyboard doesn’t do anything, Ctrl+Alt+Del neither. Both notebook and standalone keyboard (via USB). Mouse cursor doesn’t move.

How can I troubleshoot that? I was working with removing and installing nvidia-* packages and xserver-* packages so many times over past day I would like some more experience input.