Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

No way to get rsnapshot/rsync backup dot dir and file names

I’m trying rsnapshot to get incremental rsync of my remote server (AlmaLinux 9) to my local desktop (Ubuntu 20.04) performed locally.
I found that a 8GB source directory was only 4GB at the target dir.

Executing rsnapshot the second time, the output of the rsync command shows is:
/usr/bin/rsync -azv --delete --inplace --delete-excluded --relative --exclude=awstats --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh -p xxxx --link-dest=/path-to-target/alpha.1/. root@remote-host:/path-to-source/ /path-to-target/alpha.0/.

I found that all .dir were not downloaded.
path-to-source/Maildir has some extra folders like .F1 .F2 .F3 .F4 … .F10

The output of that rsnapshot/rsync was short this time:

receiving incremental file list     

sent 9,030 bytes  received 3,074,181 bytes  212,635.24 bytes/sec total size is 13,113,853,857  speedup is 4,253.31

A third execution of that command had a similar rsync output but


So, rsync starts receiving an incremental file list but it stops after a few .dir and outputs a report.

None of those .Fx files were downloaded neither any other .file nor .dir.

Almost all similar issues I’ve read mention the problem of using *. I never used it, it is not necessary.
The option -a implies dot-dirs are included.

Other posts suggest changing MTU (!!) or pre execute shopt -s dotglob
None worked for me.
I’m, stuck here how to get rsync backup all dot-file and dot-dir.