On product save set default custom option default value

I have a custom options (dropdown) in my products that I set to a required field. Now everything works fine when I add the product to cart when I’m in the Catalog Product view page. But when I add the product in the Catalog Product List then I’m getting an error saying that the Custom Option required is not selected and it needs a default value. But how can I add the default value if the delivery option is not available?

enter image description here
enter image description here

As you can see the second image button says Quantity Unavailable now this is because it’s failing to add the product due to the custom option (required) has no value.

So my solution is to add a default value of the custom option if none is selected. How can I achieve this? I was thinking it might be where Product Save is located. But TBH I don’t know where to find it and what file to look at.

So in summary I just want to add my item in the cart when I’m in the product list and setting the custom option to a default value. How to achieve this?