Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Paypal order IPN “Completed after Order status change to new custom status

Magento 2 default paypal order after IPN completed turn to order status “Processing”. This is the default order status

|Data|Value |
|:---- |:------:| -----:|
|Status|Processing |
|Status Code|processing |
|Default status|Yes|
|State code and title|processing[Processing] |

I need to change paypal order IPN completed after order status “new_order_recieved”

|Data|Value |
|:---- |:------:| -----:|
|Status| New Order Received | 
|Status Code| new_order_received |
|Default status|No|
|State code and title|processing[New Order Received] |

What are the function override implementation this functionlity?
Thanks for advance