Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Problems with execution after installing Magento2 Open Source to localhost

I have the installation of Magento2 Open Source on localhost Windows 10, version 2.4.6 (currently in composer installation)
made (XAMPP, OpenSearch, everything fresh/up to date), additions and process see below (*).

Unfortunately, access to the standard/admin (/admin_xyz was generated) is not possible. is only assigned to localhost (in hosts). delivers “404”, delivers a start page with text, amaong other things “CMS homepage content goes here.”, only completely unformatted.

In the console, “Laden fehlgeschlagen für” “”,
“http://127.0.1/magento2/static/version1700649929/frontend/magento/luma/de/requirejsjs-config.js”, etc.

The “static” directory is completely missing.

  • Process of the installation:

Adjust PHP.ini settings at XAMPP:

Username=public key and password=private key are stored.

Loadmodule rewrite_Module modules/mod_rewrite.so activated

Find all Occurrences of *allowoverride none *and change to *allowoverride all *

C:XAMPPhtdocsOpenSearchbinOpenSearch.bat execute and let them actively (like autostart?)

C:XAMPPphpmyadminconfig.inc.php: Password set

Composer Create-Project-Repository-URL=https: //repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community edition C:XAMPPhtdocsmagento2

C:XAMPPhtdocsMagento2VendorMagentoframeworkviewelementtemplatefilevalidator.php, line 138:
$ realpath=$ this-> FileDriver-> Trealpath ($ path);

$ realpath=str_replace (”, ‘/’, $ this-> filedriver-> TroLalpath ($ path));

C:XAMPPhtdocsMagento2VendorMagentoframeworkimageadaptergd2.php, line 96:
if ($ url && iset ($ url [‘scheme’]) &&! In_array ($ url [‘scheme’], $ allowed_schemes)) {
return false;

if ($ url && iset ($ url [‘scheme’]) &&! In_array ($ url [‘scheme’], $ allowed_schemes) &&! File_exists ($ filename)) {
return false;

php bin/magento setup:install –base-url= –db-host=localhost –db-name=magento2 –db-user=root –db-password=adminxy –admin-firstname=admin –admin-lastname=admin –admin-email=info@magento3.de –admin-user=admin –admin-password=adminxy –language=de_DE –currency=EUR –timezone=Europe/Berlin –use-rewrites=1 –search-engine=opensearch –opensearch-host= –opensearch-port=9200 –opensearch-index-prefix=magento –opensearch-timeout=15

php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:flush

Of course, searched intensively, but no solution, especially for the new version, was found.

Can someone help?

Thanks in advance!