Programmatically link configurable product with simple product threw options

I have a configurable product created and also simple products.

I want to add the option on the forme and poids attribute to link them.
Thse option are properly configured, they appear in the admin if I want to add from admin


But i’m creating them threw an import.

I have :

  • The instance of the configurable product
  • The instance of the simple product
  • The attribute value

This is what I have done which isn’t working apparently

This is what I’m doing in case i’m currently reading a “poids” attribute

case 'poids':
    $attribute = $this->eavAttributeRepository->get(
    $usedAttributes = $configurable_product->getTypeInstance()->getUsedProductAttributeIds($configurable_product);
    $configurableAttributesData =

    $value = $attribute['value'];
    $configurableProductsData[$childProductId] = array(
        $k => array( //$k is an increment on the attribute i read 
            'label' => 'Poids', //attribute label
            'attribute_id' => $attribute->getAttributeId(),
            'value_index' => $this->poidsOptions->getLabelValue($value),
            'is_percent'    => 0,
            'pricing_value' => $childPrice,
    }catch(Exception $eI){

No error printed, but no options neither appearing in my configurable


Any ideas ?