Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

(Re-)starting a systemd unit with user input on Ansible

Tools like gocryptfs have some advantages when they’re used in combination with systemd, because dependency, status and permissions can easily be defined.

Since it needs a passphrase, it would either require a plain text file on the system or a password via stdin by using systemd-ask-password.
The stdin variant is usually preferred since passphrases in plain text files have some disadvantages.

While Ansible has a systemd module it doesn’t seem to give a possibility to insert such arguments directly.

Thus I’m curious what the preferred way of handling service (re-)restarts with password inputs is when using Ansible.

Something that would do something like this pseudocode

- name: Start GoCryptFs
    name: gocryptfs
    state: started
    daemon_reload: true
      stdin: "{{ gocryptfs_password }}"