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Recommended monitors supporting M1 Mac Mini

The wife has an M1 Mac mini which up until now has been plugged in to a 32″ TV, but is now being moved to a different room so we can try and have it set up as a standard desktop machine with a separate monitor.

Unfortunately said desk is a little on the small side, so the preference would be to have something around 20-21″ in size. I’ve read that finding a monitor which supports an M1 mac can be something of a black art, but the closest thing I’ve found online which is allegedly supported is a 20″ model by Sceptre (ref: https://getbest4k.com/best-monitor-for-m1-mac-mini/#8_Sceptre_208243_1600215900_75Hz_Ultra-Thin_LED).

However we’re in the UK and I’ve yet to find a reputable supplier (that, and the Sceptre website appears to show the various 20″ models as all being out of stock: https://www.sceptre.com/Monitors/Flat-Series-category12category16.html&filter=&filter_pricemin=0&filter_pricemax=330&filter_sizemin=20&filter_sizemax=20).

Has anyone (especially in the UK) had any luck finding a 20-21″ monitor which happily works with an M1 mac mini?