Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

REGEX: Find the html tags that contain an operator, but which do not contain other operator

1. <p class="mb-40px">My nick name is Prince and <a href="https://mywebsite.com/bla.html" class="color-gege" target="_new">my real name</a> is beyond magic.</p>
2. <p class="mb-40px">I love my home s< because I stay with my lovely cat.</p>

3. <p class="mb-40px">Because of this book t< I cannot sleep well.</p>

I want to find only the lines that have the operator < included in the html tag <p class="mb-40px"> </p> , except those lines that have

In my example above, the output should be line 2 (that have s< ) and line 3 ( that have t< )

So, I use an old generic formula: (REGION-START)+(.)+K(FIND REGEX)(?s:(?=.*(REGION-FINAL)))

In my case FIND: (<p class="mb-40px">)+(.)+K(w<)(?s:(?=.*(</p>)))

The problem is that my regex find also the e</a> from the first line. And I don’t wanna find the tags with </a>