Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Registered coupon does not display in report filter

I’m having a hard time generating coupon report used in Magento 1.9
accessing Reports -> Sales -> Coupons, I select a date period, order status I keep “any”, empty lines = “no” and in Promotion rules
I select = “specified” then my problem happens, not all existing coupons are listed.
To try to solve this problem I tried to update the statistics, accessing Reports -> update statistics but without success, it gives the impression that it does not update.
checking the app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Block/Adminhtml/Report/Filter/Form/Coupon.php file I found the code: $rulesList = Mage::getResourceModel(‘salesrule/report_rule’)->getUniqRulesNamesList();
which seems to me to bring the coupons in the filter of this report, but not all that are registered.
Even when registering a new coupon, it does not appear in the report’s filter.
Has anyone been through this or has a way forward?