Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Remote server running from linux based machine fails to response until requested new `ssh` connection

I’ve run a remote server on the random port 44444 on macOS remote machine (but I believe it can be any linux distribution), the command to start the server was called from a ssh session, and I’ve used disown so that the server process could run on the background and I can logout my ssh session without the server stop working.

And indeed, the server successfully responded my http messages (POST/GET).

However, if it was idle for a few minutes, the server stopped responding my messages and I supposedly got timeout.

The only thing that have brought the server back to life is when I’ve attempted to re-connect the ssh session (I don’t have VNC access to this machine). I haven’t even completed the login steps, but just when it asked for password, the server came back to life.

I wonder how does the ssh attempt make my other server responding again? is it possible that the machine went to sleep mode and the ssh woke it ?