Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

remove shake in video by marking fixed reference points?

I have a video of a mechanical object which was made with a cell phone. Most of the parts of the device in the video are fixed, a few move (a little), and a tripod was not used so the camera itself moves a little. Already attempted to stabilize it using ffmpeg and vid.stab like so:

ffmpeg -i VID.mp4 -vf vidstabdetect=shakiness=10:accuracy=15 -f null -
ffmpeg -i VID.mp4 -vf vidstabtransform=input=transforms.trf VID_stable.mp4

Unfortunately this did not work very well and the image still dances around in the frame.

What I would like to do is mark, manually if necessary, an object (or objects) in the scene which are known to be immobile (there are numerous bolts, bits of the frame, and so forth, which fit this criterion) and then remove all of the hand shaking by fixing the position in the image of those, for instance at their position in the first frame. I do not see how to do that with ffmpeg. If I am wrong please provide the commands.

Otherwise, is there some other open source/free tool for Linux which can do this? Blender maybe? The video tools have so many options it is hard to know where to start looking.
