Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

replay pcap with tcpreplay through internet

I’m trying to replay a pcap file recorded from my first server online. In order to make some tests , i successfully changed the IP source and destination, mac source and destination. The pcap file contain mostly UDP packets. To do it I have a pcap recorded with tcpdump and i use tcprewrite to update the packets, then i replay them with tcpreplay

tcprewrite -C –endpoints=IP_source:IP_destination –enet-dmac=MAC_destination –enet-smac=MAC_source -i UDP.pcap -o UDPnew.pcap –cachefile=UDP.cache

tcpreplay -i eth0 UDPnew.pcap

It’s working really good in my LAN network but when i try to use it between my two dedicated servers i don’t see anything with tcpdump. I writed the public IP of the two servers with the different MAC addresses. I would like to understand why it’s not working. I know it’s a network problem, how can i manage to make my packets routed correctly through internet ?
