Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Route data between two NICs in the same server on the same subnet

Linked Figure

I have a network setup as outlined in the linked figure above. I have a 4 NIC Linux CentOS 7 server with eth0 connected to another Linux CentOS 7 server (UUT in the diagram and ip addr 192.168.123) and eth1 connected to an unmanaged switch. eth0 is also setup as a PTP grandmaster to output PTP to the UUT as the slave and PTP is configured for HW timestamping. The switch is connected to a 2 Port NIC windows PC (ip addr I would like to route traffic to/from the UUT and the 2 Port NIC Windows PC however I am not sure how to configure eth0/eth1 to allow? Any help would be appreciated.


PC <==> Switch <==> Linux Server1 [NIC 1] <==> Linux Server1 [NIC 0] <==> Test Device

How do I route data with all ip addrs on the same subnet?