Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Router only allows to reserve 16 static IPs. How to reserve more?

I have a Huawei HG8245X6-10 router, given to me by my provider. All is fine, except that it can only reserve up to 16 static IPs. Since I have a couple of servers and many IoT devices, I need more.

I am trying to avoid using a server as a DHCP server, since I consider it as a more probable point of failure (my servers run on an intel NUC), in comparison to the router. I also want to avoid assigning a static IP to each device, as I prefer reserving the IPs from the router, and some of my devices do not have such option.

Now, my question is: Is it possible to plug in another router, which will only act as a DHCP server on the same subnet? I have never used DD-WRT, and I can’t seem to find if it’s possible to plug such a router in, use it as a DHCP server, but keep the Huawei as the default gateway for all devices.