I set Magento up using Cloudways, and now I’m trying to move it to my local Ubuntu VM.
I used the official .gitignore from Magento, cloned the project locally, ran composer install, made sure that I had my env.php and config.php files downloaded and in the right place.
I changed the entire www directory and all its sub dirs to 777
I updated core_config_data url’s to be the same as the one’s I set in sites-available
I ran setup:upgrade
setup:static -content:deploy -f
I tried the above in any number of orders. I tried deleting and re-cloning the repo.
I sometimes get the white screen of death, and sometimes I see the folder structure, but with no styles applied.
I’m using the Porto theme, and had removed the child theme because it hadn’t been set up properly.
Everything works on my live site, but not locally.
I have the most recent database on my local mysql.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
My logs are full of “broken reference” warnings