Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Showing customer eav attrribute in product page always shows cached data

I’ve created a customer EAV attribute and trying to show this attribute in the product details page but it always return chaced data till I run bin/magento cache:flush full_page.

I’ve tried to use sections.xml in the frontend area but it’s not working.

section.xml file content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <action name="catalog/product/view">
        <section name="customer"/>

I also tried to add isScopePrivate and getCacheLifetime methods in my custom block but it also makes no changes.

I also tried getIdentities method and it’s also still getting cached data even when I can see the tags has been added.

Full block class code:


namespace MeVendorBlockProfile;

use MagentoEavModelCacheType;
use MagentoEavModelEntityAttribute;

class Address extends VnecomsVendorsBlockProfileAddress
    public function getIdentities()
        $identities = parent::getIdentities();

        $identities[] = Type::CACHE_TAG;
        $identities[] = Attribute::CACHE_TAG;
        $identities[] = Attribute::CACHE_TAG . '_' . $this->getVendor()
        $identities[] = 'customer' . '_' . $this->getVendor()

        return $identities;

     * Get vendor address
     * @return string
    public function getAddress()
        $customer = $this->getVendor()->getCustomer();

        if ($countryId = $customer->getData('location')) {
            $locationAttrOptions = $this->getVendor()

            foreach ($locationAttrOptions as $locationAttrOption) {
                if ($locationAttrOption['value'] == $countryId) {
                    $data =  $locationAttrOption['label'];

                    return $data;

    public function isScopePrivate()
        return true;

    protected function getCacheLifetime()
        return 0;

Critical notes:

1- When I was debugging, I found that the block class method is called only once, the next request not calling my class method.

2- When I disable FPC everything works perfectly.

Any help please?